"Immediately had our pupils hooked!"
Primary school WW2 workshop
TEACHERS: Would you like a fun and interactive WW2 experience with genuine artefacts, transparent prices (cheaper than a school trip) with ALL objectives covered in one visit?
Welcome to
Blitz School!
A brilliant artefact-based WW2 primary history workshop for Key Stages 1 and 2
TOPICS COVERED INCLUDE .. The Battle of Britain, Evacuees, the Blitz,
D-Day, Rationing, Dunkirk, VE, Day,
Gas Masks, Political Background
+ much, much more!
".. a brilliant way of ensuring enthusiastic, interested pupils who want to research further!" S Bromley, y6 teacher, Worsley
"A thoroughly exciting and enjoyable session and a fantastic in-school experience!" A Pepper, y5 teacher, Sale
Step back into WW2 with our many GENUINE WW2 artefacts and
fantastic themed tasks in our exciting travelling interactive museum
What was life really like for children and adults in World War Two? To have to cope not only with the rationing and evacuee programmes, but also the Blitz, the Battle of Britain and the threat of invasion? To live in a time when sticking together and standing strong was not only expected but essential?
Find out now in my exciting, interactive WW2 workshop delivered direct to your school and tailored perfectly to both the current creative curriculum and also the new 2014 National Curriculum for History.
Planned and delivered by myself. an experienced QTS teacher, the workshop takes pupils back in time to the age of the 'Blitz spirit', planned from the ground up with two main aims in mind. One, to bring your Second World War topic to life in a totally new way and two, to teach towards and to expand upon the topic objectives, so that your pupils will learn above and beyond all your expectations.
WW2 primary workshop activities*
(dependent on time and no. of classes*)
The workshop is made up of these different activities to make an excellent WW2 learning experience for either a full or half day for one or up to 4 classes dependent on time and budget. These activities are as follows but are also explained in more detail here on our workshop details page. which you can also access by clicking the links below.
Interactive Timeline
Follow all the key events of WW2 in a fun roleplay activity
Artefact handling
Handle genuine Second World war artefacts!
Blackout competition
Compete in teams to black out WW2 windows!
WW2 First Aid
Learn all about how the brave wardens used first aid in WW2
End of workshop quiz
Find out how much you have learned!